As most of you know, David and I have been adding precious grandchildren to our family at a rapid rate! Between our two sons, we have added a grandchild about every six months for the past 3 years! In late September our next blessing is scheduled to make his appearance. That will be 4 grandsons and 1 grand princess. We are having a ball! God has certainly given us a full quiver.
For just a few more weeks, little Micah David is our baby. I realized I haven't written much on him. I shared with one of my daughters-in-loves that I have decreased the number of pictures and the things written as our family has grown. I do not want to be one of "those" grandmothers!!
Our Micah is a precious little guy. He is ALWAYS in a good mood. If he whimpers, he has a reason. He grins all the time. You can make him smile by just looking his way. He really does light up the room. He loves his Mommy the best. She had a dentist appointment the other day and had to take him with her because he cannot bear to have her out of his sight. He is good natured enough to sit quietly as long as he can see her. When it's time to go to bed, he sleeps peacefully knowing that all is well with his little world.
I wish I was more like our fourth grand baby. I fret far too much and can be stingy with my feelings. There are some days that I just cannot get happy with anyone. I'm too quick to take offense and too slow to forgive. Many times I run from my Heavenly Father's presence rather that sit contentedly at His feet. I miss too much because I'm bored with the present and keep looking to the future or worse yet, keep looking back in regret.
God used my sons to teach me many spiritual truths about being a heavenly child. It looks like He is now using the next generation. Thank you sweet Micah for those lessons for your Nonnie.