Along about the second week in March, time changed for David and me. We have spent the most part of the past almost 4 decades telling our boys what they should be doing. In March, they turned the tables and told us we were grounded and were confined to our home until further notice. This is also the time the media began calling people over 60 “elderly”! While it has been a bit challenging, we are healthy, happy and have a pantry full of food. We have been spared from most of the trials so many are going through. Each night, I lay awake praying for those who are suffering through this awful pandemic. I don’t know what the future holds for any of us, but I do know God has us in His hands right now.
I have always loved the story of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. As you read Daniel 3, you will find the young Hebrew men refusing to bow down to the idol made by King Nebuchadnezzar. He was getting ready to throw them into a fiery furnace that had been heated up 7 times hotter than normal. The brave young men faced the angry King and then said “Our God CAN deliver us, but even if He DOES NOT, He is still good.” The men were thrown into the fiery furnace. When the King looked in, instead of them being consumed by the fire, he saw a 4th man in the fire!
I heard a sermon several weeks ago on these Scriptures. The Pastor said, “We know from Scripture that the King and his soldiers saw the 4th man in the fire, but we are not told that the 3 Hebrew men saw who was in the fire with them.”
What we are told is that the 3 men came out of the fire, not scorched, not burned and they didn’t even smell like smoke! We also know that the King then recognized the power of the God they served. Honestly, how is that possible? I can’t go to a restaurant where they are cooking fajitas without having to wash my hair and clothes to get the smell of smoke out!
My encouragement to you is to keep your faith in this current fire. Even if we don’t happen to see Jesus with us, others will. Trust the One who has been faithful in the past. Trust the One who knit you together in your Mother's womb.
Every time I walk down the hall to our bedroom, I'm reminded of this message. I'm not sure what will happen to David and I, but I do know the God I have served since I was a litle girl will bring us through, whether here in this world or in eternity with Him.