“Lord, you have assigned me my portion and my cup. You have made my lot secure. The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places, surely I have a delightful (beautiful) inheritance” Psalms 16: 5-6
If there ever was a day when we need security, it is today. The local news programs proclaim gloom and doom. The newspaper is filled with reports of crime, financial ruin and confusing political opinions. Frankly, I am checking out the family tree for a hint of inheritance.
As I read the verses above, I am informed that God himself assigned my portion on this earth. He is responsible for my security. These verses have become my life verses. They have brought me comfort, when I was out of my comfort zone. They have given me security, when there was nothing secure about my circumstances. They offer me promise when I lose sight of the vision God has for my life. They have also reminded me of who I really work for, when I’ve decided I didn’t like my earthly boss that much!
You and I can spend so much of our life questioning why something happened; grieving over bad circumstances; and wishing God had assigned to us another portion and cup. But, we will have spent our life in vain. I only have one life to spend! I need to spend it wisely and so do you. Your family and your mission field are depending on it! From the time, my boys were old enough to understand, I explained to them that they and their Dad were my primary “mission field”. I served on staff at 2 churches for almost 25 years. Those churches and those women demanded a great deal from me. I had to have boundaries. I learned early on, I could not be all things to all people.
A commercial several years ago encouraged women to “be all they could be.” I tell you today that you need to be “only what you can be”. I am the only Mom my boys had- I had to be there. Someone else might have wanted to be a wife to my husband, but they would have to come across my DEAD BODY! In order to effectively “shepherd” my women, I had to guard my family time and my personal spiritual time in order to minister effectively and do what he called me to do in an excellent way.
What’s He called you to do? If the enemy cannot make you bad, he will make you busy! Today is not too late to accept and appreciate the boundary lines God has wrapped around your life. You can decide to live like you really are the child of a King!