Monday, August 16, 2010
As most of you know, David and I have been adding precious grandchildren to our family at a rapid rate! Between our two sons, we have added a grandchild about every six months for the past 3 years! In late September our next blessing is scheduled to make his appearance. That will be 4 grandsons and 1 grand princess. We are having a ball! God has certainly given us a full quiver.
For just a few more weeks, little Micah David is our baby. I realized I haven't written much on him. I shared with one of my daughters-in-loves that I have decreased the number of pictures and the things written as our family has grown. I do not want to be one of "those" grandmothers!!
Our Micah is a precious little guy. He is ALWAYS in a good mood. If he whimpers, he has a reason. He grins all the time. You can make him smile by just looking his way. He really does light up the room. He loves his Mommy the best. She had a dentist appointment the other day and had to take him with her because he cannot bear to have her out of his sight. He is good natured enough to sit quietly as long as he can see her. When it's time to go to bed, he sleeps peacefully knowing that all is well with his little world.
I wish I was more like our fourth grand baby. I fret far too much and can be stingy with my feelings. There are some days that I just cannot get happy with anyone. I'm too quick to take offense and too slow to forgive. Many times I run from my Heavenly Father's presence rather that sit contentedly at His feet. I miss too much because I'm bored with the present and keep looking to the future or worse yet, keep looking back in regret.
God used my sons to teach me many spiritual truths about being a heavenly child. It looks like He is now using the next generation. Thank you sweet Micah for those lessons for your Nonnie.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
I just returned from a Pilgrimage to the Holy Land. It was not my first trip, but it was my first trip without David. He is such a Biblical history buff, I depended on him to explain everything to me. This time I had to pay attention for myself. I went with a suitcase full of doubts and questions. I returned with fewer questions and some sweet personal words from my God. Perhaps I will share about some of those personal ponderings at some point, but for now I am sorting through them myself.
I do want to tell you about something wonderful God did for me in Israel that had nothing to do with the holy geography. We were each assigned to either a Blue or Green Bus to take us from place to place. I was on the Green bus. The first day we all did great in following our instructions (we were tired!) The second day found many of the Green Bus passengers a little more outspoken and a little less inclined to march to the same drummer as everyone else. I began to tease those on the back of the bus with the threat of putting them on the "Purple" Bus that I had designated for the troublemakers. By the third day, I was given a name tag that changed me from the Green Bus to the Purple Bus and named me the Captain! With my propensity to plan and participate in parties, you can imagine the fun we all had.
By the time the week was up, we had traveled many miles, shared our life stories and wept tears with one another. We helped each other over the rough terrain, shared water,sunscreen and umbrellas. We walked together where Jesus walked and saw the mountains and valleys He traveled through. We prayed where Jesus prayed and saw the grave that could not contain Him!
For most of my adult life, I have served in Leadership for women. I loved (almost) every minute of it. In this season of my life, it is not what God has for me. But in Israel, somewhere in the middle of our antics and laughter, God spoke to me and reminded me of what a gift that time of service was for me. The women I traveled with this week encouraged me, taught me, laughed with me and shared their lives with me. I am changed forever for the time I spent with them.
I do want to tell you about something wonderful God did for me in Israel that had nothing to do with the holy geography. We were each assigned to either a Blue or Green Bus to take us from place to place. I was on the Green bus. The first day we all did great in following our instructions (we were tired!) The second day found many of the Green Bus passengers a little more outspoken and a little less inclined to march to the same drummer as everyone else. I began to tease those on the back of the bus with the threat of putting them on the "Purple" Bus that I had designated for the troublemakers. By the third day, I was given a name tag that changed me from the Green Bus to the Purple Bus and named me the Captain! With my propensity to plan and participate in parties, you can imagine the fun we all had.
By the time the week was up, we had traveled many miles, shared our life stories and wept tears with one another. We helped each other over the rough terrain, shared water,sunscreen and umbrellas. We walked together where Jesus walked and saw the mountains and valleys He traveled through. We prayed where Jesus prayed and saw the grave that could not contain Him!
For most of my adult life, I have served in Leadership for women. I loved (almost) every minute of it. In this season of my life, it is not what God has for me. But in Israel, somewhere in the middle of our antics and laughter, God spoke to me and reminded me of what a gift that time of service was for me. The women I traveled with this week encouraged me, taught me, laughed with me and shared their lives with me. I am changed forever for the time I spent with them.
Saturday, May 8, 2010
I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth.
3 John 1:4
This past week, David and I had the privilege of watching two of our grandchildren for 1 night and 2 days. We loved it, they were precious and we were exhausted by the time their Mom and Dad returned home from their Staff Retreat! To quote my precious Mother-in-law, "God knows what He's doing when He gives children to the young!"
I seems only yesterday David and I were much younger with babies of our own. I remember some long sleepless nights; toys that never stayed in the toy box and unending cries and squabbles. We went to bed each night wondering if we had hugged enough, corrected enough and hoped we had money enough to meet their needs. God always provided what we needed in every season and now they are grown doing just what their parents did almost 30 years ago.
I think a great deal about my "mothering" now that the boys are all grown up. (It's the first opportunity I have had to think.) Reflecting back, here are some things I've learned from being a Mom to Jeremy and Jordan.
1. Pure Love. I'll never get over holding my boys for the first time, fresh from the hand of God. I didn't have to fall in love, I was overtaken and run over by the feelings that overwhelmed me and I've never gotten over it.
2. Pure Joy. I have gotten the biggest kick out of their zest for life. They have made me laugh hysterically, giggle inappropriately and nearly wet my pants at their antics.
3. Pure Grace. I had to learn as I went. They never held it against me that they had to be guinea pigs for an ill-equipped Mom. I check the Best Seller Book List constantly for fear they have written a book that will expose me and my failures.
4. Pure Teaching. God used my boys to teach me so much about my relationship with Him. I would have been much more shallow and self righteous without those much needed lessons.
When I was a very young woman, I though it best that I not have children. There had been enough scars from the dysfunction in my life, that I felt disqualified for the task. I am so grateful God had other plans for me. There are many things I could have lived my life without, but being a Mom to Jeremy and Jordan is not one of them.
3 John 1:4
This past week, David and I had the privilege of watching two of our grandchildren for 1 night and 2 days. We loved it, they were precious and we were exhausted by the time their Mom and Dad returned home from their Staff Retreat! To quote my precious Mother-in-law, "God knows what He's doing when He gives children to the young!"
I seems only yesterday David and I were much younger with babies of our own. I remember some long sleepless nights; toys that never stayed in the toy box and unending cries and squabbles. We went to bed each night wondering if we had hugged enough, corrected enough and hoped we had money enough to meet their needs. God always provided what we needed in every season and now they are grown doing just what their parents did almost 30 years ago.
I think a great deal about my "mothering" now that the boys are all grown up. (It's the first opportunity I have had to think.) Reflecting back, here are some things I've learned from being a Mom to Jeremy and Jordan.
1. Pure Love. I'll never get over holding my boys for the first time, fresh from the hand of God. I didn't have to fall in love, I was overtaken and run over by the feelings that overwhelmed me and I've never gotten over it.
2. Pure Joy. I have gotten the biggest kick out of their zest for life. They have made me laugh hysterically, giggle inappropriately and nearly wet my pants at their antics.
3. Pure Grace. I had to learn as I went. They never held it against me that they had to be guinea pigs for an ill-equipped Mom. I check the Best Seller Book List constantly for fear they have written a book that will expose me and my failures.
4. Pure Teaching. God used my boys to teach me so much about my relationship with Him. I would have been much more shallow and self righteous without those much needed lessons.
When I was a very young woman, I though it best that I not have children. There had been enough scars from the dysfunction in my life, that I felt disqualified for the task. I am so grateful God had other plans for me. There are many things I could have lived my life without, but being a Mom to Jeremy and Jordan is not one of them.
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Near the cross of Jesus stood his mother... John 19:25
As I think upon the person Mary must have been, I am continually amazed at the strength I find in her life. Her life as a young woman was "interrupted" by an angel with an dauntingly divine message. She was entrusted with the job of raising the very Son of God. In addition to that special child, she was also mother to other children and a wife to Joseph. We see her very few times in the Scriptures, but each time she is mentioned we see the picture of a strong devoted woman.
I have gained much spiritual insight and strength through my own experiences as a mom. My sons have taught me important lessons about love, faith, grace and mercy. They are also responsible for a fervent prayer life for me! I am not sure I ever grasped the reality of God giving up His one and only Son until I held my own sons in my arms.
Several years ago I watched the Easter Pageant at our church. Jeremy, our oldest son, portrayed one of the thieves that was crucified beside Jesus. It was pure agony watching him up on that stage prop of a cross. I kept having to remind myself that "it was just a play, not for real". Mary did not have that option. She was at the foot of that awful cross watching her sinless first born die "for real."
During this time when we reflect upon the death and resurrection of our Savior, please do not overlook exactly what our redemption cost. The cross was real, the nails driven in the hands and feet of our Savior were not stage props. The noise of the hammers that drove the nails into the sinless flesh of my Jesus were not sound effects. The tears and agony of Mary were not an act.
Salvation is a free gift, but it cost God everything He had.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
"What shall I do, then, with the one you call the king of the Jews?" Pilate asked them. "Crucify him!" they shouted. "Why? What crime has he committed?" asked Pilate. But they shouted all the louder, "Crucify him!" Wanting to satisfy the crowd, Pilate released Barabbas to them. He had Jesus flogged, and handed him over to be crucified. Mark 15:12-15
Pilate was a man that so wanted someone else to take the blame. He did not really care if he was right or wrong, just so no one pointed their finger at him. He had an opportunity to react right, but he refused. Of course, in his cowardly ways, he also confirmed what Scripture had taught. (I find no basis for a charge against this man. Luke 23:4) Jesus was the pure, innocent Son of God who GAVE His life for our sins.
Pilate tried to pass the buck. He wanted the people to decide what should be done with Jesus. But the emotional tide of the people had been stirred up by the Chief Priest and Pharisees in the crowd. The people asked for freedom for Barabbas instead of Jesus. In their unbelief, they chose death for the only ONE who could buy their eternal freedom. In Pilate's refusal to make a decision, the decision was made for him. How tragic that we often do the exact same thing. In our indecisiveness, our analysis paralysis and even in our silence, decision are taken out of our hands. Pilate washed his hands over the situation signifying his lack of blame, but the blood of Jesus didn't wash off that easily.
Pilate gave in to the crowd. He wanted to satisfy the loud voices in the multitudes. Like Pilate, we sometimes ponder at the pool of popularity too long. Just because the voices around us are loud does not make them right. Even if the majority agrees, they just might be wrong. Do you have the courage to stand for what is right even if you stand alone? Never forget that Jesus stands on the side of right. When you stand with Him, you will never stand alone.
Pilate was a man that so wanted someone else to take the blame. He did not really care if he was right or wrong, just so no one pointed their finger at him. He had an opportunity to react right, but he refused. Of course, in his cowardly ways, he also confirmed what Scripture had taught. (I find no basis for a charge against this man. Luke 23:4) Jesus was the pure, innocent Son of God who GAVE His life for our sins.
Pilate tried to pass the buck. He wanted the people to decide what should be done with Jesus. But the emotional tide of the people had been stirred up by the Chief Priest and Pharisees in the crowd. The people asked for freedom for Barabbas instead of Jesus. In their unbelief, they chose death for the only ONE who could buy their eternal freedom. In Pilate's refusal to make a decision, the decision was made for him. How tragic that we often do the exact same thing. In our indecisiveness, our analysis paralysis and even in our silence, decision are taken out of our hands. Pilate washed his hands over the situation signifying his lack of blame, but the blood of Jesus didn't wash off that easily.
Pilate gave in to the crowd. He wanted to satisfy the loud voices in the multitudes. Like Pilate, we sometimes ponder at the pool of popularity too long. Just because the voices around us are loud does not make them right. Even if the majority agrees, they just might be wrong. Do you have the courage to stand for what is right even if you stand alone? Never forget that Jesus stands on the side of right. When you stand with Him, you will never stand alone.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
"Am I now trying to win the approval of men, or of God? Or am I trying to please men? If I were still trying to please men, I would not be a servant of Christ." Galatians 1:10
The Lord and I had a discussion this morning. Actually, He talked and I listened! He brought to my mind and heart so many incidents from the past when He had given me a specific word about a where I should walk with him. He reminded me of His plans for me that I had failed to accomplished because of a heavy dose of fear in my life. I remembered so many times I was kept from God's best for me, due to other's opinions, both spoken and perceived.
Why is it we worry so much more about what others think, rather than what God requires of us. I have jumped through some giant hoops just so I could please people. I could testify of time and time again when I drove myself crazy trying to make everyone happy and in the end no one was, and I was exhausted (and a little mad!)
This morning I committed to get myself free from the things that have entangled me and kept me from walking in God's perfect will for me. I'm still a people-pleaser, but I want to worry less about people and more about God's opinion of me. The only hoops I am jumping through from now on are the ones on God's court!
What about you?
Saturday, February 27, 2010
I absolutely cannot believe Monday ushers in the month of March. For goodness sakes, I just delivered another Christmas gift last week! My January was filled with waiting on the birth of our little blessing Micah David Haines. He made his appearance January 21st. I was so blessed to be able to share his first couple weeks of life with his Mommy, Daddy and big brother Gavin. I had a blast!
March 1st is important day for our family. We get to celebrate David's birthday on that special day. He has been the best husband, friend and father any of us could ask for. Not too long ago I told him that I could not think of a single dream he hasn't tried to fulfill for me. He's the best!
Micah and Jackson both carry David's or "Grand D's" name! I hope our children know what this honor means to their Dad. You see, David always wanted to be a Daddy. Several months ago we were discussing our life goals, accomplishments and dreams. David told me how blessed and fulfilled he was to be the Dad of Jeremy and Jordan. And what a Dad he was.... from the first moments of their lives until today he has been there. He was so much calmer than me, they both ran to him with their accidents and injuries. David was the "A" team for every science fair, invention convention and history project. He was there for baseball, basketball and football. He coached, corrected, encouraged and enjoyed every thing they did. He was there for the fun times and the hard lessons. He has never given up on knowing God would bless his boys.
David's legacy of loving his family continues on in our four grandchildren: Jackson David, Gavin Matthew, Jenna Claire and now Micah David. I hope they know who much they are loved and how lucky they are to have him for their Grand D! You are truly the best birthday presents he could ask for.
What about you? Who has planted dreams in your life and left a legacy for you to follow? Take the time to tell them so this week. If you cannot tell them, than thank God for the footsteps you have to follow.
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