Sunday, March 25, 2018


This morning the preschool children at my church sang for the church and waved small palm branches shouting "Hosanna".  This year, just like those past, I sat and wondered what I would have been doing, if I had been in Jerusalem on that Passover week so long ago.  There is no doubt, my Savior knew exactly what He would be facing at the end of the week.  I wonder if He even heard the voices in the crowd shouting "Hosanna?" I wonder if He looked past the praises the people were raising to see their hearts capable of unspeakable things? I wonder if in the midst of the cheers He already heard the jeers of "Crucify Him"?

The contrast of these cries highlight the fickle nature of public opinion.  If social media has done nothing else, it has shown us how quickly people can turn on one another. But yet, most of us spend endless hours trying to fit in and be a part of a particular perceived popular group.   There have been times in my life when I have worked so hard for the applause of men, never considering the applause of the man with the nail scarred hands that purchased my life.

People change their minds and try to change the definition of truth.  What was once considered shameful is now celebrated during prime time.  Words once bleeped out are now considered necessary to complete a sentence.  Where is my truth supposed to be found in days such as these?I supposed it is found in the same place it was on that Passover Sunday when Jesus entered Jerusalem.  It is found in the heart and teaching of Jesus, in the scrutiny of Scripture and in the leading of the Holy Spirit.

As I walk through this Holy Week, I'm going to slow down and listen for His applause.  I'm going to seek out His Truth in the Bible.  I want to do more than just make noise in my Savior's ears.  I want to truly praise Him from the depths of my heart and soul that He purchased on Calvary.

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