Friday, June 12, 2009


"Clear lots of ground for your tents! Make your tents large! Spread out! Think big!
Use plenty of rope, drive the tent pegs deep. You are going to need lots of room for your growing family." Isaiah 54: 2-3 (The Message)

In October of 1991, God first brought these scriptures to me. At the time, we were in the midst of trying to adopt a child. I just knew these scriptures were a promise to me. However, after walking through every open door placed before us (and prying open a couple of windows) we never got our third child. David and I were eventually fine with God's "no" to us, but in the past 18 years, I've often thought about that Scripture. I have wondered just how I misunderstood what God wanted for us. To make things a little more confusing, He brought that Scripture back to me often enough to keep me wondering.

We raised our boys, they married and each has given us a wonderful grandson. Jackson is 21 months old and Gavin will be 1 year old in a couple of weeks. Last Christmas our "tent" was full and we were blessed. In just 5 days, we will be adding to our family once again, and if the ultrasound is correct, we will welcome our first grand daughter! We are beside ourselves!

A couple of weeks ago Jordan's family came for a visit and Allison was not feeling well. After 3 pregnancy tests, we all accepted the fact that God was adding to our family once again. So, come next January, Gavin will be a big brother just like Jackson.

God gently reminded me of my Isaiah promise. I believed with my whole heart, He was going to fulfill that promise almost 20 years ago, and when He didn't, I didn't understand. I've really been "weepy" for the past two weeks, marveling at my Savior's faithfulness. He never forgot His promise to me and He will never forget His promise to you. Great is His faithfulness!


Anonymous said...

Oh Johnnie!!! Just read the news on FB a few minutes ago!!! Didn't we just get these kids out of high school? So excited for all of you - Love, Melinda

beth spray said...

i knew as soon as i read the title that jordan and allison must be expecting! i can't believe sweet jenna claire is almost here!! thank you for your post! what a precious LORD we serve! HE is never late - though we often think it is taking forever!! thank you for the reminder!! have fun spreading wide your tent ground and enjoy those grandbabies!!!

Anonymous said...

How faithful is our God!! I am so thankful for your blessings. I consider each of my four grandchildren a blessing from God as I do my two children. I would love to have more grandchildren, but God knows best.


moose99 said...

Johnnie, What a blessed "tent" God has entrusted to you and David. You are so we misunderstand His direction at times. But how He must delight in our faithful wonderings! Love you.

Keri said...

I LOVE this!! A wonderful reminder that God's timing is perfect....

So many times I have taken something God has told me and put MY own spin on it.....only to find out that His plan was more perfect than I could even imagine!


Unknown said...

aw miss johnnie- i teared up as i read through that post! God is so good- even when we don't understand His time on things!

Unknown said...

**rush is lindsey grace- i was logged into jared's account!