Sunday, July 12, 2009


Today's been a rather difficult day for me. Nothing is wrong. My family is wonderful, healthy and growing. As far as I know, there are no crises on the horizon. But today, I have been nearly crippled by fear. All the "what ifs" of my world have been screaming in my soul. They have spoken so loudly, they have overcome the still, small voice that brings me peace. I know the scriptures about "fear" very well. Most of them have been cross-stitched in my heart for years. I've hung them framed throughout my house. I know my Savior did not give me a spirit of fear, but one of power, love and self-discipline. I am reminded often that perfect love casts out fear (His perfect love, my irrational fears).

While I might know the truth, today I made a choice to walk in the enemy's lies and I am exhausted. Finally about 8:00 I sat down with my Bible and my journal. (It was 8:00 in the evening, I'm such a slow learner!)As I poured my fearful heart out to the Lord, He poured His love and His peace into mine. With only a couple hours before bedtime, I am at rest.

What a waste of a perfect day. I am so grateful His mercies are new every morning, aren't you? Tomorrow will definately be a better day!

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